The Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Laboratory offers forage testing. You can print off a submittal form below, or you may pick one up from the Kerr County Extension Office. Once you collect your sample, you will need to ship it to the laboratory for testing. There are instructions on how to collect the forage sample attached to the submittal form. We also have a hay probe available to check out from the Extension Office on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Sampling Hay Bales and Pastures for Forage Analysis (pdf)
Understanding Forage Quality Analysis (pdf)
Forage/Pasture/Hay Management Information
Forage Quality
- Defining Forage Quality (pdf)
- Forage Quality Photo Guide (pdf)
- Why Range Forage Quality Changes (pdf)
- Armyworm Fact Sheet (pdf)
Forage and Livestock
- Forages for beef cattle (pdf)
- How Much Forage do you Have (pdf)
- Stretching your Horse’s Hay Supply During Drought
- Forage Quality and Quantity in Texas – Managing Nutrition in Range Beef Cattle (pdf)
- Estimating Grazeable Acreage for Cattle (pdf)
- Stocking Rate Decisions (pdf)
- Nitrates and Prussic Acid in Forages (pdf)
- Nitrogen Fertilizer: What Should I Use (pdf)
- Suggestions for Weed Control in Pasture and Forages (pdf)
- Establishment and Early Persistance of Seeded Warm-Season Grasses (pdf)
- Selection, Establishment and Management of Bermudagrass (pdf)
- Grass Growth and Development (pdf)
- Common Grazing Management Mistakes (pdf)
- Cool Season Forage Legume Management Guide (pdf)
- Suggestions for Weed Control in Pastures and Forages (pdf)
- Warm-Season Annual Forage Grasses for Texas (pdf)
Additional publications and information can be found by visiting the online Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Bookstore. You can type in the topics that you are looking for in the search box.
*NOTE: Publications from the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service are copyrighted. You may download it for your personal, noncommercial use only. Any other use (including but not limited to any commercial use, making multiple copies, displaying publicly, placing on a web page, or redistributing) requires express written permission from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. By downloading this document, you agree to all of the above. To request written permission, please contact:
Holly Jarvis, Ph.D.
2112 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2112